Choose AxessPointe for all your family medical needs.

At all AxessPointe locations, our family doctors accept both Medicaid and Medicare. From toddlers, teens, middle-aged adults to senior healthcare, family doctors treat all ages of patients and a wide range of conditions. Visit an AxessPointe health center near you and gain access to your own family doctor. Build a relationship with a trusted professional who will provide ongoing healthcare to your entire family no matter what stage of life.

Our family doctors are trained in all areas of primary healthcare from maternity, baby well visits, pediatrics, teens, women’s health and geriatric care. We want to be your first choice for you and your family’s medical needs no matter if you are facing financial hardship or limited healthcare coverage. This is why we’ve made it our mission to provide quality and affordable healthcare to those who need it.

Though our services are open to all, our focus is on making sure the uninsured and under-insured still receive quality healthcare. Our team is built of skilled and experienced doctors and nurse practitioners that accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurances.

For those without insurance, AxessPointe provides a sliding-fee scale for our professional healthcare services that is based on family size and income. [view fee scale]

Help! I Need A Pharmacy That Accepts Medicare

Our pharmacy accepts Medicaid and Medicare

Our Services

Benefits of Having Your Own Family Doctor:

Medical History – Family doctors get to know you and your medical history and your family’s health history. Having a relationship with your primary health care provider gives them an advantage of monitoring changes in your health throughout the years, knowing what medications work most effectively for you, as well as your home life.

Additionally, they can easily recognize new and unusual symptoms, as well as significant changes that could indicate significant or obscure conditions.

Managed Health Care – Family doctors not only provide yearly check-ups, but they can also manage your common complaints. From the flu, sinus infection, bladder infection, immunizations, life concerns, chronic conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid issues, to minor surgical procedures. There are so many “issues” your family doctor can treat.

Referrals – Family doctors are typically the first step in receiving a referral. Whatever the reason your family doctor will know the best-qualified specialist to recommend based on your medical history.

Our primary services include:

  • Adult and Children’s Health
  • Acute and Urgent Care
  • Preventive Health
  • Routine Physicals
  • Vaccines and Immunizations
  • Referral To Local Health Specialists
  • Pharmaceutical Services
  • Behavioral Health Services
  • Women’s Health Services
  • Internal Medicine Services
  • Dental Services

AxessPointe’s team consists of family doctors and nurse practitioners as well as specialists in behavioral health, women’s healthcare, and internal medicine. Our providers are committed to their patients physical, emotional and social well-being. From routine check-ups and preventive care to diagnostic assessments and chronic disease management, our team has the experience to provide high-quality health care to all our patients.  When searching for a family doctor or nurse practitioner, consider AxessPointe as your team of reliable primary-care providers.

AxessPointe Locations

AxessPointe has four offices located throughout Northeast Ohio.  Our locations consist of the following:

If you are in need of specific medical expertise such as women’s health care or internal medicine services, please visit our Locations page. You will be provided with a full list of the unique services offered at each of our locations.